Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's snowing! I don't know what it is about snow but it just makes me flat out happy! Not just the regular happy but giddy little girl happy. I'm looking out my window right now and I see this delightful image of large flakes of snow floating down from the sky and coating the dull earth below. I see white all around and I LOVE it! I have always loved fall and winter. They are my favorite seasons. There is just something about waking up on a cold morning and looking out to find a winter wonderland to play in. Bundling up in more clothing than you can imagine and running down the stairs in a fit of excitement only to burst open the door and experience that glorious first crunch of the snow under your feet! I really hope it continues snowing all night because:

1. I want to play in it
2. I want classes to be canceled

Not that I enjoy not having school. It's just that I feel like I've been playing a gigantic game of catch up this whole week. My life was hectic enough before hand and then I got really sick last week and now I feel like I'm really behind in a lot of things. Especially with school starting up and trying to move in. However for the first time in a while I feel like God is really moving in me. I finally hear him telling me an answer to something I have been trying to figure out for a while. I also feel Him calling me out and calling me to step up in my position right now. I love what I do at Elevation but I feel like I have been doing a lukewarm job lately. I feel like I had almost hit a stalling point. Dare I say it, a point of being contempt. However it seems that suddenly God has made me aware of all if my faults as a leader and He has put this passion in me more than ever to figure out how to fix those weaknesses and become a truly great leader. I'm so excited for this semester. It is going to push, challenge me and hopefully guide me of the path God wants me to be on.

As I was walking to my dorm tonight the snow was pouring down. Right before I hit my door I stepped up one of the brick steps, turned around and looked up. I was awe struck at just how magnificent snow truly is and the beauty of nature that our amazing Creator made.

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